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Applying needles to shoulder

Acupuncture at
Ocean Health Center

Acupuncture is a form of traditional Chinese medicine that uses very fine needles to improve the flow of energy throughout the body. Since chiropractic adjustments address the neuromusculoskeletal issues of the body, acupuncture is a great adjunct to address the energetic aspects.

Ocean Health Center patients can receive acupuncture as part of their overall health plan or as a stand-alone therapy.

Our Acupuncture Therapy

Dr. Brandy has received extensive postgraduate education in acupuncture. For most chiropractic patients, we don’t immediately incorporate acupuncture. Typically, we’ll try chiropractic and other therapies first. Then, if the patient hits a plateau, we’ll use acupuncture to rev up the healing process.

For patients who get acupuncture only, Dr. Brandy will discuss your situation with you and create a plan to address your needs and goals.

Acupuncture needles on back

What Does Acupuncture Help With?

Acupuncture can help with a wide range of conditions. It’s excellent for:

  • Arthritis
  • Headaches
  • Immune function
  • Inflammation
  • Joint pain
  • Localized pain
  • Muscle tension
  • Supporting internal organs

Do the Needles Hurt?

Many people who have never tried acupuncture are worried that they’ll feel like a human pin cushion, but that’s not the case. Acupuncture needles are extremely fine—about the diameter of a single strand of hair—and most patients don’t even feel them as they’re inserted. The process is very relaxing and it’s very common for patients to fall asleep during the 15-30 minute session.

Acupuncture vs. Dry Needling

People are often confused about the difference between acupuncture and dry needling. These are two different healing modalities that employ the same needles. Acupuncture is a more global approach. It addresses pain or illness by correcting energy flow along different meridians in the body. Dry needling is a very localized approach. It uses needles in the specific area of muscle spasms, knots or trigger points to release the tension, increase blood flow and reduce inflammation.

Learn More Today

Contact us today to learn more about how acupuncture may be able to help you.

Acupuncture Leland NC | 910 399 7178